Grief & Coping

Resources for Grief, Loss, and Coping

The loss of a dearly departed loved one can be an excruciating experience to live through. The sadness and mourning that follow death can be overwhelming, but it is an important part of the grieving process. You do not have to suffer through your loss alone. If you are struggling to cope with grief, these resources can help:


Focus on the Family: Coping With Death and Grief (Article Series)
Mental Health America: Bereavement and Grief (Article)
TeensHealth: 5 Ways to Cope When a Loved One Dies (Article for Teens)
Northern Illinois University: What Helps You Cope With Grief? (Article and Additional Reading Resources)
The Gospel Coalition: Grief Is Not an Enemy of Faith (Faith-based Article)
Desiring God: When a Loved One Goes Home to Jesus (Faith-based Article)
Ascension Catholic: Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One (Faith-based Article)

Websites and Community Forums

A website with a variety of grief resources promoting practical and creative coping strategies and offering a forum of shared loss. You can also listen to the What’s Your Grief podcast to hear others’ experiences with loss, mourning, and coping.

A national network of grief sharing groups (search by ZIP code) and additional resources to help navigate the weight of loss.

Local Grief Support Options

Hinds Hospice: Center for Grief & Healing

Bereavement support and grief counseling is available through Hinds Hospice for all people in Madera, Fresno, and Merced Counties. These counseling and support services are available to:

– Individuals diagnosed with a life-limiting illness
– Those whose loved one is facing a life-limiting illness
– Individuals and families impacted by the death of a loved one.
– Individuals and couples facing infant or pregnancy loss and/or infertility, as well as those needing support who are in pregnancy after a loss.

Madera Churches Offering Grief Support

St. Joachim’s Catholic Church
Paola Alvarado, Bereavement Coordinator
401 W. 5th Street 
Madera, California 93637

First Christian Church
Grief Support Group
2300 Sunset Avenue
Madera, California 93637

Submit a Prayer Request

As “last responders,” we hold sacred the honoring of departed loved ones and their legacies. We also understand how difficult this time can be for surviving relatives. If you have a need for prayer, we would welcome your requests here.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comfortedMatthew 5:4

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